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Congratulations to CIIF Committee Members and SC.Net members for being awarded in Honours List

Our heartfelt congratulations are extended to the following CIIF Committee current members, former members and SC.Net members for being awarded by the Chief Executive in the 2023 Honours List:

Mr LAU Hing-wah, MH, JP (CIIF Committee member) is awarded BBS in recognition of his long and dedicated service in Kwai Tsing District.

Mr LEE Kwong-yu (CIIF Committee member) is awarded MH in recognition of his dedicated contributions to community service, particularly in labour affairs.

Ms CHAN Suk-mei, SBS, JP (SC.Net member) is awarded GBS in recognition of her distinguished contributions to the broadcasting industry and journalism.

Mr CHAN Wan-pan (Former CIIF Committee member and SC.Net member) is awarded MH in recognition of his dedicated and valuable community service and charity work.

Dr LO Kam-wing, JP (Former CIIF Committee member and SC.Net member) is awarded BBS in recognition of his dedicated service to our country and Hong Kong.

The CIIF would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all CIIF Committee members, former members and SC.Net members for their concerted efforts in promoting social capital and the work of CIIF in different sectors, helping to build abundant social capital in our community.