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Project Highlights

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Project Title: Sunny Ching Tin Project
Name of Organization: Pak Kau College
Chiu Yang Por Yen Primary School
Grant Approved: HKD$ 2,040,000
Project Duration: 1/12/2008 - 30/11/2011(3 years)
Target Groups: Tin Ching Estate Resident
Location of the Project: Tin Ching Estate

1. Objectives

  • The project is aimed to develop the social capital of community by utilization of fascinating academic facilities and the professional knowledge in education. A platform for communication and learning is established by the geographical predominance the college and the school. Parent-Teacher Associations are able to integrate the parents’ efforts by serve in the tutorial classes. The project is to enhance the mutual actualization, self-value addition and provide retraining opportunities. View on future, the project is a hub of North Tin Shui Wai regarding to cooperation, supporting and service to residence.

2. Strategies

  • Organizing and facilitating the parents’ resources in the Parent- Teacher Associations to concern the needs of students and communities. It is in order to enhance the connection between parent-to-parent and parents-community.

3. Expected Outcomes and Performance Indicators

  • The project is initiated from the school. In association with the residents within school is to launch the volunteer works. The tutorial class for children is aimed to relieve the stress of the working-parents and to assist the families needed helping hands. The family-problem in the community, therefore, is capable to be alleviated. In addition, the volunteer work and community service are to strengthen the self-efficiency, enhance self-esteem and arouse community care particularly for the female volunteers. The community is composed of a warm and companionate concerto.

4. Brief Description of Programme

General speaking, social service are believed to be provided by the government or non-government organizations. The non-government organization, however, confront to certain extent in providing services. Human resources’ variation, limited resources and residents’ resistance to social service field are cited as examples. On the other hand, school and college’s launching the community work have the following superiority:

  • “Sunny Parents” group is constituted to facilitate and launch the tutorial class for children. It is to relieve stress of families.
  • To train the residents’ ability of community organization and participation. Concerning community problem and provide help to children and youth’s development.
  • ”Sunny Ambassador” is encouraged to participate in the community service, to enhance the associations with local organizations.
  • To strengthen “Sunny Ambassador” organization and to launch community care autonomously for sake of establishing family-community networking.

5. Unique Feature and Areas of Innovation

  • Adequate resources, sufficient hardware, school campus is able to use after school-hour.
  • Residents have not much resistance to school-held activities; school is a platform for parents’ knowing each other.
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