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Outstanding Social Capital Project Awards

Carer’s Community Building Project in the North District
Organisation : Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association -
Ellen Li District Elderly Community Centre
Funding Period : 7 November 2011 to 6 November 2014
Amount Granted : $1,390,000
District : North District
Project Summary : This project built on the concept of 「Community as the base, Neighourhood as the entry point」. It promoted mutual help in the neighborhood and encouraged active cross-sectoral, cross-professional and cross-generational collaboration to jointly give care and support to the carers and their families in the North District. Through the project, carers’ pressure was relieved and their sense of belonging to the community was heightened, which helped create a harmonious community.

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Quote from the winner

Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association - Ellen Li District Elderly Community Centre has been serving the North District for more than 20 years. We have all along believed that taking care of the elders is not and should not be the responsibility of their carers and service provides alone, and in fact, we are in dire need of the joint support from the whole community and the neighbourhood networks to tackle the problems arising from the heavy pressure and the growing needs for elderly care. With the support from CIIF, we have successfully applied the strategy of “Community as the base, Neighborhood as the entry point" and established a mutual help, elderly care platform with cross-sectoral, cross-professional and cross-generational collaborations in the North District to cater for the needs of the elderly and the carers.

Moreover, we would also like to express our deepest gratitude to our 47 strategic partners, 800 volunteers, and 3 600 residents in the neighbourhood, for providing help and support throughout this three-year project. Thanks to their selfless contributions and concerted efforts, we are able to achieve the encouraging results today. I am indeed grateful to see them still showing stamina and determination to respect and care for the elderly even after the end of the project.

We trust that social capital has long been rooted in the hearts of everyone. Let us continue to work hand in hand for building a North District which is full of love and care.