The Caring Ten: Light up the Community

Introduction of Author and Illustrator Sheung WONG ,2011年廣州美術學院油畫學士, 2014年廣州美術學院版畫碩士。 她現 為 插畫家和繪畫導師,有四年多 為 各大出版 社的書籍繪畫插畫的豐富經驗,擅長兒童書籍插畫。 Sheung WONG graduated with a bachelor’s degree in oil painting from The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA) in 2011. Later in 2014, the passion for art had led her to attain a master’s degree in printmaking from GAFA. Currently, WONG is an illustrator and art tutor. Having been illustrating books for quite a number of publishers for more than four years, she is experienced, especially skilled in drawing for children’s books. Sheung WONG 嚴吳嬋霞,著名兒童文學作家,著譯作品百多部, 並獲多項圖書獎項。第一位榮獲上海陳伯吹兒童文學 獎及北京冰心兒童圖書獎的香港作家。現任香港親子 閱讀書會會長及香港兒童文藝協會名譽會長,亦 為 香 港兒童博物館發起人;自1997至2008年,擔任香港書 展兒童天地籌委會主席。 Irene YIM NG Seen-ha is a renowned writer of children’s literature in Hong Kong and overseas. Among the hundred and more titles she wrote and translated, many are award-winning. She is the first Hong Kong author honoured with both the prestigious Shanghai Chen Bo Chui Children’s Literature Award and Beijing Bingxin Children’s Book Award. She is currently President of the Hong Kong Parents’ Book Club, Honorary President of the Hong Kong Children’s Arts Society and Advocator of Children’s Museum in Hong Kong. She chaired the Children’s Paradise of the Hong Kong Book Fair from 1997 to 2008. 嚴吳嬋霞 Irene YIM NG Seen-ha 作者及繪者介紹