The Caring Ten: Light up the Community

The birth of The Caring Ten 社會資本十兄妹的誕生 人情味是寶貴的社會資本,在一個充 滿人情味的社會,鄰里會互相幫忙,發 揮所長,守望周遭的人。十位好幫手決 定秉承這種精神,齊集一起,結誼 為 「社會資本十兄妹」,發揮互助、關愛 的精神,共同建立一個融洽和充滿愛的 社區。 The caring spirit is a valuable element of social capital. In a caring society, neighbours take the initiative to help each other with their own strengths. The Caring Ten decided to uphold this caring spirit in the community, joining together to establish a harmonious community full of love and care.