The Caring Ten: Light up the Community

網網絡 / Network Six 交遊廣闊,喜歡關心別人,人緣甚佳,擁有 很強的人際網絡。 Very caring and friendly. With many friends and is great at networking. 大聲哥 / Big Voice Nine 個性爽直,有號召力,喜愛參加不同的社區 活動。聲音雄亮,說話聲傳遍大街小巷。 A straightforward leader. Loves to attend community events. Has a loud voice that reaches all corners of the community. 高腳仁 / Long Leg Seven 雙腳特長,腳踏一步,即可到達千里之外。喜歡 周遊列國,足跡遍布五大洋七大洲,見多識廣, 精通多國語言及文化歷史。 The super long legs allow for super long strides. Long Leg Seven who loves to travel around has been to all corners of the Earth. A polyglot, very knowledgeable and well-versed in histories and cultures. 大喊包 / Sentimental Ten 充滿同情心,善解人意,感情豐富,易哭, 左鄰右里都喜歡向他傾訴心事。 Very empathetic and sentimental. Cries easily. Always lend a good ear to someone with problems. 開心八 / Happy Eight 樂觀,愛笑,充滿陽光氣息,平易近人,常 為 身邊人帶來歡樂。喜歡說話,諸事八卦,思想 簡單。 Optimistic and always smiling. A ray of sunshine for everyone around. Very talkative, curious and simple-minded.