The Caring Ten: Light up the Community

Introduction of Characters 千里眼 / Tele Eye One 十兄妹中最年長,頭腦靈活,擁有豐富的人生經 驗,是一位睿智長者。 The eldest. Smart. Rich in life experience. A sage. 收風易 / Wide Ear Two 消息靈通,記憶力強,觀察入微,對街坊的專長、 需要、背景皆瞭如指掌,遇上問題要找人幫忙,聯 絡他就可以轉介合適的人。 Always up-to-date with information. Has a great memory and is very observant. Well aware of the strengths, needs and backgrounds of everyone. If you need help, Wide Ear Two always points you to the right direction. 正義權 / Righteous Three 身材健碩,力大無窮,富正義感,愛抱打不平, 儆惡懲奸,喜歡幫助弱勢社群。 Very strong and forceful. With a righteous mind, Righteous Three is willing to help anyone in need, especially the disadvantaged, and punish the wrongs. 韌皮四 / Elastic Four 堅毅不屈,曾經歷許多人生起跌,磨練出超凡的解難 能力,樣子嚴肅,處事認 真 ,令人望而生畏。 Very resilient and a problem solver. Having gone through many ups and downs in life, Elastic Four looks tough, serious and a bit frightening sometimes. 橋王五 / Witty Five 快人快語、創意無限、聰明多計,但有時想法不 設實際,做事欠條理。 Quick-witted and creative. Smart and full of ideas but sometimes impracticable and not very organised. 角色簡介