The Caring Ten: Light up the Community

Activities Page 活動頁 故事提問Story Questions: 電視正播放什麼消息? What was on TV? 你們知道颱風會帶來什麼破壞嗎? Do you know what kinds of damage a typhoon can bring about? 芬婆婆遭遇了什麼困難?誰最先發現芬婆婆的 求助? What difficulties did Auntie Fan encounter? Who first found that Auntie Fan needed help? 假如你是芬婆婆,當你遇上了困難,你會怎樣做? If you were Auntie Fan encountering difficulties, what would you do? 假如你是十兄妹之一,你會怎樣幫助芬婆婆? 為 什麼? If you were one of The Caring Ten, how would you help Auntie Fan? Why? 大喊包和網網絡怎樣安慰芬婆婆? How did Sentimental Ten and Network Six comfort Auntie Fan? 網網絡、橋王五、正義權和韌皮四分別運用了什麼 特長幫助芬婆婆解決困難? How did Network Six, Witty Five, Righteous Three and Elastic Four use their talents to help Auntie Fan solve the problems? 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 28